In memoriam
On 12.12 . 2021г. Forever we left Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Demirova, Ph.D., a wonderful man and an exclusive pulmologist, an actor of working capacity, which over 40 years to his last breath, handed out knowledge and experience of the needy.
We will remember her with her kindness and empathy for the health problems of sick and healthy, to everyone who turned to help and advice.
Actively and professionally supported the work of the Public Health Federation with innovative ideas for the prevention of pulmonary diseases, caution to professional diseases, modern health policy in order to preserve, strengthen, increasing professional and public health, write its colleagues from Hospital "St. Ivan Rilski" and its Sofia, the Federation "Public Health".
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Регистриран потребител в портала може да бъде всяко физическо или юридическо лице, което ще използва портала за подаване на електронни заявки за административни услуги. Процесът изисква наличие на квалифициран електронен подпис.