Institutions and experts should be united to digitize the health system in an optimal way

Institutions and experts should be united to digitize the health system in an optimal way

Institutions and experts should be united in order to digitize the health system to optimal way for Bulgaria. Around this idea united the participants in a forum dedicated to the digitization of the sector organized by the Bulgarian Cluster for Digital Solutions and Innovation.

Currently there is a desire on the part of the ruling to make the most quickly implement the digitization, but the problem is that in such a process are very important, the little details that accompany software and regulatory changes, said the chairman of the Bulgarian medical union Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

Digitization will not only be related to strengthening the control of the processes in the system, and there will be a database that will allow us to take adequate decisions, he added. When talking about digitization and reforms, we need to discuss the problem of what kind of staffing we apply them, he said.

We are at the critical point of the staff environment and we do not have a useful exit if in the next year two do not take measures to tackle the staff deficit, Dr. Madjarov added. In response to a question whether telemedicine can help better care in the context of the lack of staff Dr. Madjarov pointed out that telemedicine is currently not present as a priority issue. The workflow is now aimed at this very far at the moment currently fragmented processes to be included in a common information product, he added.

According to Deputy Minister of Health, Lubomir Bachelian Digitization of Health in our country has been behind us, but it can be caught, though late. In his words, there is a clear strategy and until the end of this year. Much of the digital transformation will be a fact. Bachelinov added that an adequate communication campaign was needed to clarify which and under what conditions will have access to the electronic patient dossier. The current team of the Ministry of Health has been working hard and I hope that some of these efforts be transformed into deeds and to be felt by all doctors, pharmacists and patients, he added.

High-tech solutions can not be introduced into a low-tech system, Deyan Denev said from the Association of Research Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in Bulgaria. In his words, the process of introducing eHealth in our country is "two steps forward, one back." According to Deyan Denev, the healing establishments achieving good results, and for this purpose it needs to have health indicators and, after gathering enough information, introducing indexation - the better the result, the higher the higher be the pay.

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Source: Българска телеграфна агенция БТА Българска телеграфна агенция БТА

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