The art in the life of Jurkovi family

The art in the life of Jurkovi family

The passion for art conquered the Jurkov family at a later stage of their lives. The love of beautiful, however, develops so quickly and strongly that to date the medical family can boast of his own painting gallery museum and old furniture in the heart of the ancient and eternal Plovdiv.

Medical family with teaching flair

He is a gastroenterologist, and her orthodontic. Contrary to expectations, they become acquainted with a common friend, not at the university they study.

Assoc. Prof. Ventslev Djurkov graduated from medicine in 1984 won a competition at the Medical University in Plovdiv and to day he taught there. In parallel, it develops successful practice as a gastroenterologist, based on private gastroenterology practice and creating its colleagues with its colleagues, the only specialized gastroenterological hospital in Bulgaria, and later a university multiprofile hospital.

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Source: Quo vadis Quo vadis

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