I came out. 12/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

I came out. 12/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

In the issue:

"Focus" are unique and unusual medical cases in Bulgaria over the past year, as well as achievements of Bulgarian doctors.

In the issue it starts a pilot section rlk. Our first guest in it is Dr. Stefan Pavlov : We can be part of such a thirsty change in our society-on page 3.

In the "New Hippocrats" section we talk to Dr. Alexander Simov , who recently returned from Ireland and became part of the team of DPBLna- why he chose to live and work in Bulgaria.

A special guest of the issue is Dr. Hristo Stefanov , who received honors from BMA "For High Professional and Valor" within the "Doctor of the Year" 2022. In the interview, Dr. Stefanov talks about the events around the incident with The turned Serbian bus on Trakia Motorway in August this year. And how the healthcare system in Norway is organized, where it is currently working.

On the page "History" we pay tribute to Dr. Dimitar Chakmakov , who was healing literally until his last breath. In 2022, it was 145 years since its death.

For Dr. Atanas Mihailov and his mission to treat with nature products, as well as his experience gathered in his books, read on a "more than a hobby" page.

The publication is available freely, without registration and on the website of the BMA.

[To issue. 12/2022] (https://blsbg.com/bg/quo-vadis-B-12-24-12-2022-Godina_p11475.html)

[To all editions.] (Https://blsbg.com/bg/newspaper-of-bma_c7)

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