Out of printing pcs. 1/2022 of "QUO VADIS"

Out of printing pcs. 1/2022 of "QUO VADIS"

The topic of the number is devoted to the changes that hospitals in Bulgaria did in response to the K-19 pandemic. We chat with Dr. Ivelina Georgieva - Deputy Director of Medical Activities at the UMHAT "St. Anna "responsible for the organization of activities related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Covid-19 and Dr. Dafinka Koleva, cardiologist and part of the team of the Coldi-restructured Cardiological Unit.

In the heading, the new hippocrats we meet you with Dr. Silvia Stoeva - for the psychological and psychiatric consequences of the pandemic.

A special guest of the number is Prof. Dr. Svetoslav Jowev, Ph.D., with whom we are talking about the most up-to-date treatments in cardiovascular diseases.

One of the pioneers of plastic and restoration surgery in Bulgaria Dr. Nikola Nedkov is presented in the heading history.

Medicine, jazz and something else in Dr. Nikolay Hristov - in more than hobby.

The "Quo Vadis" is the heir of the Chronicles, which has a 100-year history. The newspaper treats the current problems of the medical profession, reflects events related to hospital and outpatient care include analyzes and interviews. Publishes unique materials for the history of medicine and medical profession.

The newspaper can be found at the GLS headquarters, the offices of regional colleges and the provenation companies. The publication is available free online without registration.

[To the electronic edition.] (Https://blsbg.com/en/download/file/page-section/22122)

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