Out of printing pcs. 12/2021 of the QUO VADIS
In the focus on the number are the world studies on viral evolution of the new SARS-COV-2 version. Researchers in different scientific fields track the development of the virus and compare it with other pathogens, extrapolating the data in an attempt to make an estimate of what to expect from OMICRON.
The love of profession as a driving force - the young Dr. Ivan Mitev for the doctor's mission to help.
Unique to our country, an apparatus gives new opportunities for diagnosis of breast cancer - we talk to Prof. Dobromir Dimitrov, DM. and his project "Vacuum Assisted Biopsy - an innovative approach to diagnosis of diseases of the mammary gland".
After the Movember '21 campaign, a special guest on the topic is the urologist Dr. Georgi Georgiev - "One in 8 men develops cancer of prostate gland for the rest of his life."
In the rubric "daring" - the breakthroughs that changed medicine.
The history of the Hospital "Tsaritsa Joanna - Jesul", who turned 85, read on page 11.
The art of the life of Jurkovi family - gastroenterologist and orthodont created a gallery museum in the heart of Plovdiv - in the section "more than a hobby".
The "Quo Vadis" is the heir of the Chronicles, which has a 100-year history. The newspaper treats the current problems of the medical profession, reflects events related to hospital and outpatient care include analyzes and interviews. Publishes unique materials for the history of medicine and medical profession.
The newspaper can be found at the GLS headquarters, the offices of regional colleges and the provenation companies. The publication is available free online without registration.
[To the electronic edition.] (Https://blsbg.com/en/download/file/page-section/22085)
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