Out of printing pcs. 6/2021 on "Quo Vadis"

Out of printing pcs. 6/2021 on "Quo Vadis"

In focus is the haemophilia. Interviews with Dr. Atanas Banchev from the only one of its kind in Bulgaria Clinic of Child Clinical Hematology and Oncology at the Umbal "Tsaritsa Joanna - Isul", Viktor Paskalev, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Hemophilia and Alexander Mishev - patient with haemophilia.

DBBN received a certificate from the Polish Foundation "Baters", which is already an authorized work and training center under the Minnesota Program - the world's most efficient model for the treatment of addictions - an interview with the director of the medical establishment Dr. Vladimir Nikolov and Polish therapists Anna Swede and Andrzej Mehher.

A special guest is Acad. Prof. Dr. Lachezar Traikov, PhD, with whom we are talking about training in pandemic conditions and future prospects in the study of medicine as well as the first approved medicament for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Dr. Georgi Galev is the only Bulgarian, accepted for specialization in Cleveland Clinic - USA - on page 9.

For continuing medical training in an electronic environment (E-PMO) and the opportunities it offers reading on page 10-11 - highlights and conversation with Dr. P. Nakov - Manager in Medical News - official partner of GLS in E-PMO .

"Quo Vadis" is the successor to the Edition of "Chronicles", which has a 100-year history. The Month is treating the current problems of the medical profession, reflecting events related to hospital and outpatient care include analyzes and interviews. He publishes unique materials for the history of medicine and medical profession.

The newspaper can be found at the BLS headquarters, the offices of the regional colleges and the printing companies. The publication is available free online without registration.

[ To the electronic edition of the number. ] (https://blsbg.com/en/download/file/page-section/21876)

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