I came out of print. 9/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

I came out of print. 9/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

I came out of print. 9/2022 of the "Quo Vadis" newspaper. In Focus, we are talking about the restart of the campaign of BLS#overbulry-interview with the Chairman of the Board of BMA Dr. Ivan Madjarov and GP Dr. Ivaylo Ivanov-pp. 6-7.

In the New Hippocrats, we meet you with Dr. Ailin Ahmed, who tells first-person about meeting aggression-on page 4.

A special guest of the issue is Blaga Ruseva, DP, part of the team of the Psychological Assessment and Prevention sector to the Mental Health Laboratory and MMA Prevention: 8.

On the History page, we tell you about the life of Dr. Tonka Toneva, the first female doctor in Kardzhali. The material was prepared with the kind assistance of the State Archives - Kardzhali. - on page 11.

The "More of the Hobby" section is dedicated to the paintings and cartoons of Dr. Angel Angelov-on page 12.

The Quo Vadis newspaper is the heir to the Chronicles, which has over 100 years of history. The newspaper treats the current problems of the medical profession, reflects events related to hospital and outpatient care, includes analyzes and interviews. He publishes unique materials on the history of medicine and medical profession.

The newspaper can be found at the headquarters of the BMA, the offices of the regional colleges and the print distribution companies. The edition is available freely online without registration.

[To the electronic edition.] (Https://blsbg.com/bg/download/file/page-section/22679)

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