"Medical News" magazine: "Infectious diseases and pulmonology"

"Medical News" magazine: "Infectious diseases and pulmonology"

The new issue of "Medical News" magazine: novelties, dedicated to innovations in the field of infectious diseases and pulmonology over the past year.

Editors of the number are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valeri Velev, Children's Infectious Clinic, CBA-Lipb "Prof. IV. Kirov, and Dr. Alexander Simidchiev, a central clinical hospital at the Medical Institute of the Ministry of Interior in Sofia, head of functional diagnostics.

"On the screen of your device or your computer is the serial number of Medical News magazine devoted to current infections and pulmonary diseases. By Covid 19, the pandemic last 18 months focused on our attention on the pandemic and far away from the realities of the many other important topics in the field of pulmonary pathology. Medical News magazine, as always, strives to direct its content to the hottest topics to help some of the most busy and busy medical specialists - pulmologists, "Dr. Simidchiev accented.

"I wish you a pleasant reading of this number in which, besides new data about the Covid-19 infection, you will also read some up-to-date data about the classical infectious pathology that we continue to serve despite all the difficulties faced by our clinics," says Associated Association . Velev.

The dynamic everyday life of the modern physician leads to difficulties in following the latest medical publications. The sp. "Medical News: News" has a unique style - published only the most important of any scientific study within just 1-2 pages. We wish you a pleasant reading of MEDCAL NEWS: News Infectious Diseases and Pulmonology!

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