The staff crisis is the system's most serious problem

The staff crisis is the system's most serious problem

"In all cases it is a problem to put all different views of colleagues working in our system, be 100% adapted to another annex. However, Bulgarian Medical Union has managed to negotiate a large part of the commitments," said Deputy- BLS Chairman Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov in the surrender "Day On Air" on the ongoing negotiations between the GLS and NHIF for signing an annex to the National Framework Treaty.

Dr. Brunzalov explained that there was a problem in hospital care. In his words, the cost of clinical paths was lifted by about 25%, but at minimum wage prices requested, most hospital care colleagues should work, most hospital directors will experience certain difficulties.

Deputy Chairman of the BLS explained to Bulgaria On Air that so far in the National Framework Contract has not happened to pay money for salaries and added that they have a great hesitation. The BLS will make an extended National Council this Saturday, which will listen to the hospital care colleagues on all the problems they refer.

"You have to think much more cardinally. Bulgaria may be the only country in the EU in which the medical work is not appreciated. The clinical paths in question can have everything written, but the doctor's work is not there. So the big problem comes, That the corresponding medical establishment in its main part receives revenue through clinical path prices, but these paths should break through the prism so that these wages can be given to the parcels for whom he is talked, "said Dr. Brunzalov.

He added that the first step to be done, and no politician has so far done is to assess the price of medical work. According to him, wage rise will be unamenably happened after all algorithms are respected to form the clinical path.

"In organized outpatient medical care there is a large reserve for which you need to think. In practice, colleagues who work there are four times more than general practitioners. We all want reforms, but this is a lot of work on many regulations and laws to be touched in order to be made from somewhere start, "Dr. Brunzalov said.

Watch the entire call in the link below.

You can see all the material here

Source: Bulgaria ON AIR Bulgaria ON AIR

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