Minute silence and wail of sirens in memory of heroes in white

Minute silence and wail of sirens in memory of heroes in white

In the World Day of Health, at the initiative of the BMS, just 12 hours, medical media Reduced heads and wailing the sirens, the memory of his colleagues - doctors, nurses, health professionals who had been able to last, but lost the battle with the disease.

In the severe test times everyone lost a familiar, friend or relative in the unequal battle with treacherous disease. The names of more than 130 medics are added to the black lists, which they have done their professional and moral debt.

"Deep bow before stoicism, humanity, faith and hope that all medics bring in their souls and hearts. A bow before the memory of those heroes in white, who are not among us, but we will always carry in our hearts! "The words of the President of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov were. He wished doctors and health care professionals, courage and faith!

Deputy Chairman of the BLS Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski kept a minute silence in front of Umbalsm "NI Prirogov". "On the one hand, all employed in the sector have an occasion for a holiday because they have something to be proud of. In the past year, none of them gave up and did not bend in front of a heavy burden. He stayed in his place and that was seen by the whole of society. On the other hand, it is not a time to celebrate because a number of colleagues lost their lives, helping others. Bow and light memory! ", Added Prof. Gabrovski.

Deputy Chairman of the BLS Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov read the memory of the deaths in front of MMA. "I want to make the feast of all colleagues - doctors and healthcare professionals, wish them health and thank them for tireless work and care. Unfortunately, many of our colleagues lost the battle with treacherous disease. Bow and their bright memory! "Turned to his colleagues Dr. Brunzalov.

In the BLS initiative, medics were included by dozens of healing establishments from all over the country, including MMA, UMMALSM "NY Pirogov", University Hospital "Aleksandrovska", CMC - Sofia, UMHAT "SofiaMed", University Hospital, University Hospital "St . Anna ", Bourgasmed MBA, St.Sofia Hospital, University Hospital Kanev, Kotz-Rousse, BRC and a number of others.

The BMA thanked everyone who was involved in the initiative and reported the memory of his colleagues and friends!

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