MH offers white recipes to be issued on both paper and electronic
White recipes will be issued both electronically and on paper. This envisages a draft Ordinance amending Ordinance 4, published today for public consultation.
"After carrying out a thorough and in -depth analysis regarding the possibilities for prescribing medicinal products on electronic and/or paper, it was resulted in a reasonable conclusion that a change in Ordinance No. 4 of 2009 on the conditions and procedure for prescribing and the procedure for prescribing is necessary Medicinal medicinal products. The necessary change is to create a parallel possibility that medicinal products prescribed on a simple white prescription can be issued both electronically and on paper, "the reasons for the project read.
According to the Ministry of Health, the main difficulties are encountered by medical specialists who do not have a contract with the NHIF and who have to carry out additional expenses for the implementation of medical software for prescribing medicinal products, as well as doctors working in hospitals who prescribe medicinal products On a prescription form of white color of hospitalized patients in the relevant hospital.
"In all European countries, with the exception of one - Estonia, the possibility of prescribing medicinal products is provided both electronically and on paper," the reasons said.
The ministry believes that this will guarantee the complete access of the population to medicinal products, including the continuation of the possibility of prescribing medicinal products at home visits to patients by doctors.
If the proposed changes are adopted, the medicinal products will be able to be issued both electronically and on paper. This will ensure and guarantee the full access of the population to medicinal products, including the possibility of prescribing medicinal products on a doctor's home visit will not be limited.
Proposals for amendments to Ordinance No. 4 have been published for a 30-day public discussion on the Ministry of Health's website.
The full text of the project and the motives for it can be found in the attachments.
MОТИВИ към проект на Наредба за изменение на Наредба № 4 от 2009 г. за условията и реда за предписване и отпускане на лекарствени продуктиНАРЕДБА за изменение на Наредба № 4 от 2009 г. за условията и реда за предписване и отпускане на лекарствени продукти
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