Over 200 future doctors in GLS scholarships
A record number of young doctors applied for scholarships from the professional organization. On the last day of November, the reception of documents on the traditional scholarship program for financially stimulating future 5th and 6th course doctors, specialty "Medicine" was completed.
A total of 211 future doctors submitted documents, with 7 of them being complete. Ranked will receive scholarships within one school year.
A Commission from BLS is to rank the candidates. According to the pre-announced conditions of the competition, future scholars should be regular students 5th or 6th courses with a medium success above 5.00 from the beginning of the following, and foreign language gives priority in the ranking. The results will be announced on the site of Bulgarian Medical Union.
According to the program last year, a record number of scholars and so 100 future doctors received monthly funding.
Throughout the year, it continues to adopt documents for funding for research projects and participation in national and international scientific forums of young doctors up to 35 years, specialists, PhD students (regular or self-training), which have a training contract and not deducted to the date of submission of the application.
For the first time of financial support, students studying the specialty "Medicine" in Bulgaria and their organizations that prepare and conduct medical events (trainings, seminars, congresses, etc.)
Documents are accepted at: Sofia, Acad Blvd. IV. Geshov "No 15, Hygiene Center, fl. 2, office 6 from 09.00 to 16.00 pm
Documents can also be submitted to email sdo@blsbg.com.
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