The most placed booster doses in the 60-69 age group

The most placed booster doses in the 60-69 age group

Statistics in the country show that the elderly population is most active in placing booster doses. In the age group 60-69, 189,304 doses were placed, and this represents 26% of all additional (booster) doses in Bulgaria as at March 30, 2022, which are over 722 thousand.

In the age group of 70 to 79 with booster vaccination, there are just over 175 thousand.

The distribution with respect to the completed vaccination course is different. The largest share of citizens with a full vaccination rate between 40 and 49 - nearly 384 thousand people. Total for the country with a completed vaccination rate are 2 050 246 citizens.

Total dose vaccines against Covid-19 in the country are nearly 4.4 million, most preferred is Pfizer / Biontech's Comirnaty vaccine, from which more than 2.8 million doses are applied. Following Janssen - with more than 513 thousand doses, Spikevax - nearly 500 thousand and Vaxzevria - about 480,000 doses. This statistical information is available on the site [** https: // ( -2033-41AC-BB71-90D77ECE60E8 & U = HTTPS% 3A% 2F% 2f) - Part of the campaign of the Ministry of Health "+ me" to promote the benefits of vaccines and vaccination against COVID-19.

Site data is updated daily. It is also available on the relative share of COVID-19 persons adopted for hospital treatment not vaccinated. From 1 January 2021 to 30 March 2022 92,7% of Hospitalized COVID-19 patients were unvaccinated. For the same period, COVID patients accepted in intensive hospital structures and unvaccinated are slightly over 97%.

The site also provides information for the generally placed vaccines by district, incl. For persons with a completed vaccination course and those with a booster dose of vaccines against COVID-19 as well as the vaccination range at the region level. These data are only available on the [** https: // ( -2033-41AC-BB71-90D77ECE60E8 & U = HTTPS% 3A% 2F% 2f) built free of charge from Information Services AD for the purposes of the "+ me" campaign.

You can see all the material here

Source: Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България Министерство на здравеопазването на Република България

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