Violence on the hippocratic oath

Violence on the hippocratic oath

The chairman of the BMA gave data from a study by the professional organization that 53% of doctors in Italy were victims of violence. However, it turns out that the situation in a nearby Turkey is much more serious, almost 90% of the employees in the health sector were victims of violence at least once during their career.

The hippocratic oaths seem to be not sufficiently protected after by The Bulgarian Medical Union is also beginning to train medics on how to deal with aggressive Patients.

55% of the doctors in our country were a victim of aggression, and every second doctor was a victim of verbal aggression at work. By comparison, all other professions have encountered aggression on a much smaller scale, said the chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association, Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

The fair and quick punishment and the constant improvement of the legal framework that does not create a sense of impunity would also reduce aggression against medics. According to the prosecutor's office, there is a decline - from nearly 40 registered cases in 2017. They decreased to 26 in 2018, and in the next 2-3 registered attacks are half.

The measures that are currently missing - panic buttons in every doctor's pocket, more security and lightning connection with law enforcement. According to experts, one of the main problems is that society does not have authority to medical professionals.

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