Announcement of a specialized hospital for active treatment of pneumofithysiatric diseases

Announcement of a specialized hospital for active treatment of pneumofithysiatric diseases

Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Pneumaphtisiatric Diseases - Burgas is looking to include in its numerical composition:

1 . Master Doctors

2 . Healthcare professionals

The medical establishment is accredited as a basis for practical training of Master Physicians, students in the health care management and "nurse".

SBALLPFF Burgas Ltd. is the basis for post-graduate training of master-doctors to acquire specialty "pneumology and phiesiastria".

For contact:

Bourgas 8000

"Gen.Gurko" Str.

Manager: tel. 056/896211

E-mail: PULM \ _HOSP \

Chief Assistant: Tel.056 / 896250

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