Oncologist behind the lens

Oncologist behind the lens

Every day at work he faces grief, but also hopeful. Hope that despite diagnoses, his patients will receive a chance. Prof. Dr. Georgi Baychev is among the prominent oncologists in the chest surgery clinic. "You have breast cancer" is news that needs to report often to her patients. Despite her daily life as a doctor, he is categorical that if there are 10 lives in front of them, each of them would experience it in the same way. For escape from the clash with human grief he elects photography. In addition to shooting, Prof. Baychev likes to collect stones from beautiful destinations as well as old literary editions of his favorites.

Mathematician who became a doctor

Prof. Baychev's dream was not to become an oncoshirur. The high school believed that mathematics and science would define his future.

[ All material. ] (https://blsbg.com/en/quo-vadis-br-08-19-08-2021-GODINA_P10596.HTML)

Source: Quo vadis Quo vadis

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