We note the International Day of Sisterhood! HAPPY HOLIDAY!
Happy International Day of Nursing!
On behalf of the Management Board of Bulgarian Medical Union and personally, I congratulate you and all health care professionals with your professional holiday - May 12 - International Day of Nursing.
We doctors as well as patients appreciate your work highly. Despite the daily difficulties, in a pandemic conditions, you continue the fight for life. Unfortunately, in this battle the nursing lost colleagues and friends.
I use the case to express my proficiency in your professionalism, responsibility and dedication that have a key role in our common work.
Be strong and patient because the occupation you have chosen, requires a lot of care and self-consciousness!
You are those health and patient health professionals, hope and faith that donate goodness, charity and care!
I wish you health, happiness, personal and professional success!
With respect,
Dr. Ivan Madjarov
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