The pandemic through the eyes of the epidemiologist

The pandemic through the eyes of the epidemiologist

He is from doctors who do not need to be presented. In recent years marked by a pandemic, the Chief State Health Inspector Dr. Angel Kunchev is entirely committed to his mission to fighting coronavirus, making important decisions on the protection of public health.

On the day of the Bulgarian doctor, when the epidemiologist celebrates a birthday, he received one of the most valuable gifts - recognition from his colleagues. What is to be a doctor of the year in particularly for medics and society time and what are the most valuable pandemic lessons, first person tells Assist. Dr. Angel Kunchev.

- Assoc. Dr. Kunchev, what is it to be a doctor of the year while taking care of public health in pandemic?

-Any recognition enjoys. There is no person to say it's indifferent. And when recognition comes from colleagues who are aware of the situation, the burden and the huge work that puts the whole second year in this pandemic, this honors is invaluable. I accept it as a recognition not only for my work but rather for the whole public health system: for colleagues epidemiologists, virologists, microbiologists, for all working in district health inspections because they really suffered on their back along with the colleagues from the healing network, all the severity of the situation.

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Source: Quo vadis Quo vadis

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