At the initiative of the BMA: Meeting between MH and medics of UMHALSM "Pirogov"

At the initiative of the BMA: Meeting between MH and medics of UMHALSM "Pirogov"

"Both sides speak for the exchanged replica, which have led to this tension." This said the chairman of GLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov after the Joint University of Health Initiated by the University of Health, Dr. Stoycho Katsarov and the Medical Medics from the University of Health " Pirogov ".

He stressed that the results of the National NHIF Verification found major violations and became the reason for the dismissal of Prof. Asen Baltov, were appealed and that the parties merged around the fact that the Pirogov doctors would not be introduced before pronouncement to the competent authorities.

And more: All three countries are categorical: "We trust all medics from Pirogov, we had and continue to have!" Dr. Madjarov said.

"We have united around the fact that health reform is needed to provide adequate and good treatment for patients and to minimize the possibility of such misunderstandings and charges of doctors," the BMA Chairman commented.

After the meeting, Dr. Kamen Danov from Pirogov stressed that the general opinion was that such a tone of conversations should not be allowed. And he added, "We are satisfied with the doubts that have been launched - for some perceptions, now colleagues will decide whether they terminate their protest."

Deputy Minister Dr. Alexander Zlatanov designated the meeting as a "honest conversation" and admitted: "Perhaps an idea earlier to be made, especially to calm the medics in Pirogov. The idea of ​​the meeting was not to doubt that doctors should mainly do their doctor's work, "he added.

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