Position of the management of the University Hospital "Alexandrovska" EAD

Position of the management of the University Hospital "Alexandrovska" EAD

Headquarters of Alexandrovska Hospital:

"In connection with published on 12.11.2021. Ordering article on an information site containing false information disseminated in consequences and other media, the management of the Alexandrovska Hospital EAD states:

The Chief of Accident Clinics Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander Oscar has not "drained the health safe with false hospitalizations."

-In UMBAL "ALEKSANDROVSKA" EAD has not compiled false documents for fake hospitalization of patients and no false stories of the disease have been created.

-Mbal "Alexandrovska" EAD has not drained funds from the healthcare.

  • Prof. Dr. Alexander Oscar has not been imposed a ban on working with the health safe and to commit an ambulatory activity.

-Dos. Dr. Alexander Oscar has not been appointed advisor to the director of the healing establishment.

Assoc. Prof. Alexander Oscar is one of the leading specialists in children's ophthalmology and neuroscopthalmology in Bulgaria and thanks to his worker's efforts, the clinic of eye diseases at the Alexandrovska Hospital has become one of the losers in one of the most successful and profitable units in the healing place.

"Most lying to war before, during elections and after hunting," Otto von Bismarck. "

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