Prof. Dr. Svetoslav Jowev: When the patient has full confidence in his doctor and the most sophisticated operation is crowned with success

Prof. Dr. Svetoslav Jowev: When the patient has full confidence in his doctor and the most sophisticated operation is crowned with success

_ Is from the doctors we can claim to have achieved their goals in a professional plan. Even those for which he is not darling to dream.

Prof. Dr. Svetoslava Jowev graduated from the Medical University - Sofia in 1988. Cardiology is definitely among his favorites as a direction, but does not think there will be the chance to develop in this field. After applying hippocratic oath, it is distributed to the Municipal Hospital of Veliki Preslav, where he works as a general practitioner, specialty ENT. When he returns to Sofia for good or bad fails to find a place in the same specialty.

The account of this falls into the Hospital "Saint Ekaterina", where a volunteer cardiology assembled at the legendary cardioshirur Prof. Alexander Chirkov. And so takes on the way he had to go.

_ After many specializations in Bulgaria and abroad, in 1998 he was appointed as a head of electrocardiostimulation and electrophysiology at the Hospital "Saint Ekaterina" - Sofia.

In 2002, Prof. Yovev implanted a CPT resynchronizing system (CPT) for the first time in Bulgaria. Two years later implanted the first combined cardiac resychronization with cardiover defibrillator - CRT-D. Subsequently both activities become routine._

1 December 2021 Prof. Jovev acquires an academic position Professor to its Sofia.

- How has cardiology changed through your look for all the years in which you practice?

\ Cardiology is perhaps the fastest growing specialty in Bulgarian medicine. I dare say she is on a world level. We have very good specialists, we have a quality apparatus with contemporary procedures. However, there is an underestimation of certain directions. Cardiostimulation and electrophysiology, with which we deal with about 50 people in Bulgaria, has low paid paths. Many funds have been invested in invasive cardiology, but complex procedures in cardiostimulation in Bulgaria are not yet reimbursed at 100% of the NHIF.

- What include comprehensive procedures?

\ - These are interventions that implant patients with heart failure - so-called Recynchronizing devices with cardiover-defibrillator (CPT-D). They are partially paid by the cash register, with gravity with more than half of the amount falling to the patient's shoulders. For reimplantation, most of the amount is paid, which also places us and patients to particularly difficult decisions at given moments.

[Entire interview.] (Https://

Source: Quo vadis Quo vadis

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