Prof. Gabrovski: A long-term strategy is needed when talking about investment in healthcare

Prof. Gabrovski: A long-term strategy is needed when talking about investment in healthcare

When we talk about health investment, the results are visible in years and we must have a long-term strategy in which the pledged today will result and will be seen after 5 -7 years. This was declared the Deputy Chairman of the GLS Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski following the presentation of the "Health as an Investment" report prepared by the Healthcare Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. Prof. Gabrovski greeted the authors of the in-depth analysis, clearly defining the problems but also giving reasonable decisions.

When presenting the data, Luke Chechov - Co-Chair of Healthcare Committee stated that the funds in the system must be up to 10 per cent of GDP and clarified that funding could be provided by redistribution of tax and excise duties or through EU funds, As common funds should be mainly public. The Bulgarian pays for health nearly 40 per cent, which compared to other European citizens is over twice as much. A more effective distribution of healthcare means, as well as cost transparency, is needed.

The report recommends that healthcare priorities focus on prevention and vaccination, screening policies, entry into innovative and quality therapy to reduce the risk of complications as well as to investments in the healthcare system not made by patients. The uneven distribution of medical staff in our country has also noted, as well as the annual leaving of Bulgaria from nearly 300 doctors. The need to increase investment in outpatient care is reported.

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