RLK Kyustendil supports the actions of the Board of BLS

RLK Kyustendil supports the actions of the Board of BLS

The Board of Directors of the RC of the BDA - Kyustendil unreservedly supports the efforts of the Board of the BMA during the negotiation process with the NHIF for R&D 2023-2025. We stand behind all the actions of the MB and we strongly appeal for their radicality.

Getting out of the negotiation process is a possible option, but it would condemn the health system to work again in the conditions of deficits. Rest assured that the political class, in the face of parliament and government, will again neglect the tolerance of abuse of what is happening in the system. So that would not be a profitable card. We appeal to the extreme measures in our complicated measures to show that the BMA is a full partner in the negotiation process. It is high time for the NHIF and the political class to perceive the BMA solely as a partner to receive a decent pay for the work. All the disorder and structuring of the system is the political responsibility of the ruling parties.

In the end, whose insane idea of ​​encoding on the so-called Australian system, provided that in the nearest health system-the German, it is encoded by ICD-10.

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