The BLS challenge gave a negotiating mandate on specific parameters for annex to R & D 2020-2022

The BLS challenge gave a negotiating mandate on specific parameters for annex to R & D 2020-2022

With 271 votes in favor, 3 against and 4 abstentions' Delegates of the 73rd Extraordinary Council of the Bulgarian Medical Association have given a mandate to the negotiating guidance on specific parameters and signing / notice for an annex to the National Framework Treaty for 2020- 2022

The Chair of the GLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov thanked the delegates and said it was for the first time the council to give a mandate and a framework of BMA representatives for signing the R & D under frequent negotiations. "Now we will have a framework in which we will negotiate. We already have information about what the state planned to separate as finances and remains to persuade our partners that we have the same look at things and look at the same direction, "Dr. Madjarov told Delegates.

The proposal of the BMA for the prices of activities follows the philosophy of priority support for outpatient care, hospital care growth growth based on better medical services rather than a greater number of patient intake, preponderance of clinical procedures increases, Including intensive and outpatient procedures - one-day manipulations without staying.

When preparing the proposal for hospital care prices, a method of determining the "fair price" for KP - with a coefficient calculated on the basis of the British system of determining the price of clinical paths.

The 73th extraordinary council of the Bulgarian Medical Union also adopted a report on the financial implementation of the budget by 30.11.2021, as well as a draft budget for 2022. Delegates voted with electronic devices, which occurred once again on the BMA Council.

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