The BLS Cathedral is opposed to dropping out the paper recipe

The BLS Cathedral is opposed to dropping out the paper recipe

The delegates of the 74th BMA Council are definitely against the complete dropping out of the paper recipe, as envisaged the amendments to Ordinance 4, which are currently in the discussion stage. Such a measure is unjustified, unreasonable and irrational. This would violate the rights of patients and prevent doctors in fulfilling their duties. With this decision, they reaffirmed [the position of the National Council of the BDA of 16.04.2022] ( na-khartienata-retsepta_p11109.html)

Such a measure will only lead to additional tension in the "doctor -patient" axis. Moreover, it violates patients' rights and impedes doctors in fulfilling their duties. By dropping out the paper recipe entirely, there will be situations where a doctor, outside your office, will not be able to prescribe treatment and be for the benefit of its patients.

The question is: why do paper recipes apply in Europe and are still discussing their complete dropping out in our country? Bulgarian doctors once again declare their full support for the digitalization of the sector, but without it being at the expense of the restriction and withdrawal of the rights of doctors and patients.

The ban on using a paper recipe does not solve any problem with our health system, on the contrary, it will create additional difficulties for patients and doctors.

Therefore: the 74th BMA Council insists that the paper recipe continues to apply in parallel with the electronic one and reminds: The doctor is a doctor at any time, not only in working hours, in front of his computer!

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