Special discounts for sports and relaxation for doctors

Special discounts for sports and relaxation for doctors

[ COOLFIT ] (https://coolfit.bg/home), with its main partner p [ pulse fitness & spa ] (https://pulsefit.bg/), and [ Millennium Spa & Wellness Center ] (https://grandhotelmillenniumsofia.bg/en/milenium-spa-i-uelnes-czentr/) in [ Grand Hotel Millennium sofia ] .bg/bg/nachalo/) with preferential conditions and discounts for doctors in Bulgaria.

They are among the dozens of companies and institutions that participate in special offers in the national campaign of BLS Business in Support of Heroes in White.

With the specific offers, you can get acquainted with the specially created section of the site of the Bulgarian Medical Association, which you can see HERE: [ https: //blsbg.com/en/khobi-i-port_c84] ( https://blsbg.com/en/khobi-i-sport_c84)

Coolfit offers a variety of sports facilities, spa and pools across the country in one application. By downloading the mobile app and paying the monthly subscription, you get access to all clubs and locations, dozens of sports centers, spa centers, group and online activities and a number of other activities that you can visit without restriction.

20% off for doctors from Aqua and Thermal Zone in [ Millennium Spa & Wellness Center ] (https://grandhotelmillenniumsofia.bg/en/milenium-s-uelnes-czentr/) in [ Grand HOT Millennium sofi a] (https://grandhotelmillenniumsofia.bg/en/nachalo/) (Vitosha Blvd 89b). The department is valid during the weekdays for all members of the professional organization when presenting a membership card of the Bulgarian Medical Association.

The initiative "Business in Support of Heroes in White" includes over 40 partners who provide different discounts for rest, sports, training, visit to theater, eating, eased banking conditions, opportunities for easy purchase, as well as other services of doctors.

Complete information about the national campaign, the companies that are included, the eastern conditions and/or the preferential prices they offer to the medics in our country, and how doctors can benefit from them here: [https: // Blsbg .com/bg/vsichki_c82] (https://blsbg.com/en/vsichki_c82).

For more information, you can contact the headquarters of the professional organization by telephone: [0889 483597] (TEL: 0889 483597) and by email: pr@blsbg.com.

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WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists