BLS Opinion on Bill to amend the NHIF Budget Act for 2022,

BLS Opinion on Bill to amend the NHIF Budget Act for 2022,


Concerning: Bill to amend the Law on the Budget of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2022, No 47-202-01-32

Dear Mr. President,

In connection with a bill on June 8, 2022-first vote, a bill to amend the Law on the Budget of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2022, No 47-202-01-32 we declare the following:

The proposed budget update shows an increase in hospital care, which is likely to aim to cover the pledged parameters of the salaries of the employees in the hospital care.

In our opinion, this will not be enough and it will have to be considered options to provide sufficient funds for the staff crisis.

The BMA in principle supports amendment and supplement to the Law on the Budget of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2022, given the clarification made.

Становище на БЛС относно: Законопроект за изменение и допълнение на Закона за Бюджета на Националната здравноосигурителна каса за 2022 г., No 47-202-01-32

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