Street Art and a non-standard gesture of gratitude to doctors

Street Art and a non-standard gesture of gratitude to doctors

In April this year. Students from the metropolitan 51 . "Elisaveta Bagryana" Secondary School, under the property of team artists from the "Tube" Foundation, painted the fence of the SBALIBB "Prof. Ivan Kirov "As a sign of gratitude to all doctors who are our army in white in the Battle of the K-19.

For the idea, realization and message of this poisonous gesture, we talk to the Creative Director and co-founder of "Sub-objective" Dimitar Stafidov.

- Hello, Dimitar! The foundation from which you are part is at the heart of the beautifully painted wall of the metropolitan infectious hospital, a gesture of gratitude to our medics. Tell us more about these beautiful drawings.

- Our idea was to give the opportunity to show the children who fulfilled the project with our help. This is a project we earned under the Debuts Program at the Culture Fund of the Ministry of Culture. We are called "space" . The idea is students to appear in 3 different cities - Sofia, Bourgas and Plovdiv. At the first stop of "Space" we wanted to raise the people who stand on the first line in the fight of the K-19, so we decided to paint the wall of the SBALIPB "Prof. Ivan Kirov "and this is our recognition for the efforts and the victims they do.

- Drawings are the creation of students from 51 . High School "Elisaveta Bagryana"?

- They are our project by which they learned. They had not worked with sprays so far. This is our second joint activity. The first time we worked with paints, and now we taught them to paint with spray as I and their teacher Ivan Mateev, whom we also thanked them, showed them how to "draw" the unusual "canvas," how to make the proportions, how to fill them and fill them and How to shape the details to get the final result.

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