Joint indication between the NHIF and the BMA for the implementation of the R&D for medical activities for 2020-2022.

Joint indication between the NHIF and the BMA for the implementation of the R&D for medical activities for 2020-2022.

The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and the Bulgarian Medical Association (BLS), pursuant to Art. 3 of the National Framework Agreement for Medical Activities for 2020-2022 (R&D for Medical Activities for 2020-2022) in connection with Contract No. RD-ND-01-4-13 of April 29, 2022 for amendment and supplement of the R&D for medical activities for 2020-2022 (promulgated, SG No. 37/17 May 2022), they issue this joint instruction:

In connection with the application of Art. 218, para. 4 of the R&D for medical activities for 2020-2022, the following should be taken into account:

By virtue of Art. 81, para. 1, item 1 of the R&D for medical activities for 2020-2022. Medical assistance contractors are obliged to collect, maintain, store and provide to the NHIF/RHIF information on paper, agreed with BLS - for documents for which it is required Signature of the patient. The contractual partners are obliged to provide the information stored in them under Art. 81, para. 1 upon verification by the control bodies of the NHIF, with the exception of financial reporting documents under Art. 33, para. 2, item 3 upon electronic reporting (Article 85 of the R&D for medical activities for 2020-2022).

In this regard, in electronically issued documents that do not require the patient's signature, namely: "Medical referral for consultation or joint treatment" (bl. Blvd. MH-NHIF No. 3a) and "Medical Expertise Code" (Bl. MH-NHIF No. 6), and when they report electronically, the SIMP contractors should not provide the same on paper in the RHIF, but should They are kept with them (Article 218, paragraph 4 of the R&D for medical activities for 2020-2022). In these cases, the printing of the paper of the strands stored in them is only necessary to be done when inspected by the control bodies of the NHIF.

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