Extending the duration of drug protocols has risks to patients
Bulgarian medical union has learned that, despite the categorical [opinion of the professional organization] (https://blsbg.com/en/srokt-na-protokolite-za-biva-da-bde-udlzhavan_p10800 .HTML) and the opinion of the specialists that the duration of the protocols for medicinal products, medical devices and dietary foods for special medical purposes paid fully or in part by the Fund should not be extended, the NHIF Supervisory Board has decided to do so.
Bulgarian medical union has repeatedly alerted that the removal of the need to visit the treating physician by patients to track their condition and extending the protocols by which drugs are granted, there is serious risks.
Undoubtedly, the regular intake of the prescribed therapy is important, but if it is not accompanied by specialist control, studies at a precise time and treatment adjustment if necessary, it may lead to a worsening of the state of health. Even in the conditions of an extraordinary epidemic situation, as is available in Bulgaria, this control should not be breached.
In front waves of the epidemic we have already witnessed such a practice. The consequences of her were extremely negative. The possibility that the patient himself took his medicines from the pharmacy, bypassing the visit to a doctor, led to a serious deterioration in the chronic diseases of a large part of our patients. We remind that reviews and studies for monitoring their condition and the influence of the designated therapy are made when issuing protocols, the criteria for continuing treatment are monitored. It is no coincidence that these protocols have precisely set deadlines placed by those skilled in the art. They are medically justified and observing them with complications that may occur in a longer intake of the respective medications.
This decision of the NHIF Supervisory Board is another rough repair of the opinion and recommendations of specialists, the violation of the medical expertise, and on the grounds that all this is done in the interest of the patient. A statement that categorically does not meet the truth! And after it, the health of the chronically ill patients in Bulgaria led by the decision taken.
Once again, we warn: Extending the duration of the protocols for physicians has serious risk risks! It is unacceptable that the prescribed therapy is not combined with regular status control and timely adjustment of their treatment!