Webinar for Covid-19 Information Exchange

Webinar for Covid-19 Information Exchange

Webinar for information exchange for COVID-19 will be held on 19.01.2022, with a starting time 16.

Experts from the European Disease Control Center (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are among the lecturers of webinara. There is a translation in Bulgarian. The discussion is intended for medical professionals.

The webinar program includes:

16: 00 Official Opening:

Dr. Andrea Amon, Director, ECDC

Prof. Dr. Iva Hristova, Director, NCIPB Bulgaria

16: 10 Up-to-date epidemiological information

Dr. Piotr Kramarz, Deputy Chief Science Specialist, ECDC

16: 20 Vaccine safety monitoring

Dr. Georgi Genov, Head of Department Pharmacological Vigilance, EMA

16: 30 Therapy updates and for a prolonged Covid-19

Dr. Diaratis Plashuras, Chief Expert Antimicrobial Resistance and Health Related Infections, ECDC

16: 45 Available information resources for ECDC vaccines

Andrea Würs, Expert Changing behavior and communication of risk, ECDC

16: 55 Discussion

Moderator: Prof. Iva Hristova, Director, NCIPB Bulgaria

17: 55 Conclusions

in webinar can be connected by:

via computer / tablet / smartphone:

Please click on the following [ Link ] (https://ecdc3.webex.com/wbxmjs/Joinservice/sites/ecdc3/meeting/download/8fc5a8008ba14fc08a04ba9d250e6c?siteurl=ecdc3&mtid=mabcb1Ade5277 (&mtid)

If the system requests a password use: ECDC

via phone:

Dial +35929358687 or +35924903058

Wait for the system to connect you

Dial the meeting number: 2558 929 0640 ##

via videoconferencing system:

Log in your video conferencing and dial: 25589290640@ecdc3.webex.com

Use Password: 3232 #

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