XV Sofia Symposium on Reproductive Medicine 10 and December 11

XV Sofia Symposium on Reproductive Medicine 10 and December 11

The latest research and approaches in the treatment of sterility with the funds of assisted reproduction will be presented on 10 and 11 December within the scientific program of the XV Sofia Symposium on Reproductive Medicine. For the second consecutive year, the event is fully online, which enables leading lecturers from around the world. The working language of the event is English, and organizers are traditionally an Institute of Reproductive Health and Dr. Shterev Medical Complex.

Among the emphases in the fifteenth edition of the event are:

Assisted reproduction: The panel is moderated by Prof. Tanya Tanya Timeva and Assoc. Prof. Petya Andreeva, leading reproductive specialists in Bulgaria. Prof. William Newman (Manchester, Great Britain) will present the rare pen syndrome characterized by hearing loss in both sexes and ovarian dysfunction in women.

Genetics and Immunology: Prof. Ashok Agaval (Cleveland, USA) will present the role of antioxidants for male fertility. Prof. Udo Marquight (Jena, Germany) will deepen in the theme of endometrial NK and plasma in women with infertility. Moderators of the session are the genetics Prof. Ivanka Dimova and biologist Kalina Namemozozova.

Embryology: Luboslava Valkova, SB, will present Freeze All in Invitro and ICSI methods in which all embryos obtained in the procedure are frozen. Moderators of the panel are the head of the Invitro Laboratory and the Andrological Sector in Dr. Shterev Medical Complex Assoc. Prof. Tanya Milacic and the embryologist Assoc. Prof. Ivan Bochev.

Endoscopic surgery: Dr. Elitsa Valerieva will present the opportunities for low-risk surgery and retention of fertility in the winners of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Moderator of the panel is the first Bulgarian physician who has received a certificate of oneish gynecological surgery by the European Association of Gynecological Endoscopy (ESGE) Assoc. Prof. Nadia Magnka.

Fetal Morphology: In this lecture, the daeien of fetal morphology and intrauterine surgery Prof. Kipros Nikolaedes (London, Great Britain) will be included, which will present the subject about the adverse development of pregnancy after assisted reproduction. Moderator and lecturer in the panel is Assoc. Prof. Petya Chaveva, Head of Fetal Medicine in Drainev Medical Complex.

Dear colleagues, if you want to get online access to the event and watch each live lecture, please write to email organizers: s.krasteva@sheterevhospital.com with your data - names, phone and email to send instructions for Participation!

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