Start nominations for "doctor of the year 2021"

Start nominations for "doctor of the year 2021"

BLS will honor the day of the Bulgarian doctor - October 19. On the holiday day, traditionally on an official ceremony, the prizes of the Bulgarian Medical Union for contribution to medicine will be awarded.

This year is more special because we celebrate 120 years since the founding of the scheduled organization and 31 years of its refund.

The categories in which the deserving acknowledgment of medics are:

1 . "Long-time activity in the field of medicine and active contribution to the development of specialty";

2 . "Contribution to Development and Application of Innovative Medicine and Unique Techniques";

3 . "You are our future" - Award for Young Medical Hopes of Bulgaria;

4 . "Contribution for development and validation of the preliminary organization";

5 . "Doctor of the Year 2021". "

** Your nominations expect until 30.09.2021 on a specially designed e-mail address -

The requirements for submitting proposals in the above-mentioned categories are as follows:

  • refer to which of the categories you offer a nomination;

  • a brief professional biography of the nominated candidate (special merits in the field of medicine, international appearances (if any), etc.).

We recall that nominations can be submitted by regional medical colleges, companies in specialty, medical establishments, compartments, individual doctors and patients.

COMMISSION, including representatives of the BLS management, will examine the proposals and will distinguish the winners. The regulation provides for the most weight in distinguishing the winners to have nominations made by regional medical colleges. After them as a burden: companies in specialty, medical establishments, compartments, etc.

We look forward to your suggestions of by 30.09.2021. **

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International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists