Start nominations for the "Doctor of the Year 2022"
The BLS will honor the day of the Bulgarian doctor - October 19. On the festive day, traditionally at an official ceremony, the awards of the Bulgarian Medical Association for contribution to medicine will be awarded.
The Tradration Categories for the Doctor of the Year are:
1 . "Long -term activity in the field of medicine and active contribution to the development of a specialty";
2 . "Contribution to the development and implementation of innovative medicine and unique techniques";
3 . "You are our future" - a reward for the young medical hopes of Bulgaria;
4 . "Contribution to the development and approval of the authority of the professional organization";
5 . “Doctor of the Year 2022”
**We expect until 30.09.2022 at a specially created email address - [**
The requirements for submitting proposals in the above categories are as follows:
- Mention of which categories you offer nomination;
- a brief professional biography of the nominated candidate (special merit in the field of medicine, international appearances of the applicant (if any), etc.).
It is recalled that nominations can be submitted by regional medical colleges, companies in the specialty, medical establishments, wards, individual doctors and patients.
A committee, including representatives of the BMA leadership, will look at the proposals and distinguish the winners. The regulation provides for the highest weight in distinguishing the winners that the nominations submitted by the regional medical colleges are nominations. After them, as a burden are: the companies in the specialty, the medical establishments, the wards, etc.
We are expecting your suggestions on *\ * [ *] (Mailto: **
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