Thanks to the team of the UMHAT "St. Anna" - Sofia

Thanks to the team of the UMHAT "St. Anna" - Sofia

To the contractor principal

At the Hospital "Saint Anna" - Sofia

Dr. Slavcho Bliznakov


Dear Dr. Bliznakov,

My name is Dimitar Enkiyev and I write this letter after I was criped Covid-19 and my stay changed my own and my disclaimers. On October 29, I was diagnosed with a quick antigen test and started home treatment at my personal physician. I am 40 years old and very rarely ill. I'm not vaccinated. Within a few days I worsened, despite the treatment, and began to realize the seriousness of its situation. I was admitted to emergency treatment at Hospital Hospital "Sveta Anna" on November 5, 2021 in Covid ward on the seventh floor (Endocrinology Department). I got a world, I had temper, my chest ached. My breathing was complicated and immediately placed on an oxygen source. The next few days passed as a dream for me. The only thing I realized was when the banks changed and changed the treatment, according to my condition. In a few days I felt considerably better and began to get out of bed. In the coming days I saw how adult patients who were vaccinated and with many side diseases passed through the disease lighter than me. At the same time, I faced first face and with the tragedy of another patient whom the virus killed for 48 hours, despite all the efforts of the doctors. I was stunned by the speed of events. On the day of writing, I was advised in detail what steps to continue our recovery. As my doctors explained, regardless of the strong immunity I build, the virus evolves and the booster doses are the other thing that keeps from fatal consequences.

I want to express my gratitude and admiration to Dr. Desima Mirova, Dr. Schingun Khalil, Dr. Ivona Ivanova, Dr. Emilian Gulev, Dr. Angel Angelov, Dr. Zlatina Vankova and Dr. Antoaneta Yaneva. Cordially thank you to rehabilitator Vesela Georgieva, whose exercises do at home and help me breathe better. I also want to add all nurses and sanitaries who have taken care of both and other patients. My ten-day stay in the hospital overturned my awareness of my virus and my attitude to all who struggle against him on the first line.

I mean people that Bulgarian doctors understand their work and that they do their best for every patient day and night, and that it is infinitely ugly blaming them continuously in incompetence and irrefull to us.

Sincerely yours,

Dimitar Eniykiev

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