BLS expresses condolences to the family and relatives of Dr. Peter Velikov
The Bulgarian Medical Union expresses its deep condolences to the family and relatives of the highly respected doctor and friend - Dr. Peter Velikov, an orthopedist - a traumatologist at the hospital in Dobrich.
With great pain and misery, we met the news of the death of our colleague.
At the age of 67, we were left with an exceptional doctor and a person who dedicated his entire professional career to patients from Dobrich and the area.
The grief is overwhelming and the loss is for all of us!
A bright way! A bow to his memory!
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Български лекарски съюз рестартира националната си кампания срещу насилието над медици #ПребориГнева със серия от обучения, които са разработени от психолози на Лаборатория за психично здраве - ВМА