BLS will assist in bringing a collective claim against companies that have not prepared their software products on time
The Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Medical Association has decided to assist in the filed a collective claim on behalf of the outpatient medical care facilities against companies that have not prepared their software products on time.
The reason: the chaos created in the system, the inability of colleagues working in PIMP and SIMP to fulfill their duties after 01.06.2022. Due to fully blocked work with individual software programs. It is inadmissible for days for Bulgarian citizens not to obtain the necessary areas for examinations and research, and to have the doctors subjected to additional stress and to tolerate all the negatives of the situation.
The BLS urges the competent authorities to make the necessary inspections and to determine which companies have not prepared their software on time. We also insist on the introduction of a strict licensing regime with clearly scheduled responsibilities for all companies that make medical software.
Bulgarian Medical Association addresses all colleagues affected by the problem to send their signals for companies that have not prepared their software to the headquarters of the BMA: (Sofia, 15 Akad Ivan Geshov Blvd. ) or email: The alerts will be included in the collective claims for which the professional organization will assist.
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