With great respect, I make my sincere congratulations on April 7 - World Health Day and Professional Holiday to all employed in the sector!

Deep bow before your human and professional dedication!

In times of trials and difficulties once again, we have proven with the determined determination that we are trust not only for our patients but also for the whole of society. With tireless and highly specialized work, with competence and dedicated care, we have proven that we are stuck in the most valuable good-human life.

Thank you, colleagues that with your everyday efforts and work consolidate confidence in the medical profession and increase the authority of the whole class!


I wish you health and strength to continue to follow our naming - the noble profession we have chosen! Don't stop donating hope to those who need her. And let the patience and care of people never leave us!

Dear friends,

I will also afford this year to share with you the words of a big Bulgarian actor and director - Marius Kurkinski. Words that today carry even deeper meaning: "Now is the time to add to human - another human, to goodness - more goodness, to courage, and loving - yet love!"

I wish you health, strength and courage!

With respect,

Dr. Ivan Madjarov

/ Chairman of GLS /

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International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists