Happy holiday, pharmacists!

Happy holiday, pharmacists!

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the BMA and personally on my own behalf, I congratulate everyone who celebrates today, all colleagues - pharmacists.

It's a day! The day of medicinal herbs, the magic tickets, the mystical rituals of health. On this day, I would like to express my great respect for the work of all of you who continue to promote good pharmaceutical practice.

Dear colleagues,

Do not stop maintaining the constant love of the humane profession you are devoted to! I wish you a bouquet of well -being, health and professional success!

With respect,

Dr. Ivan Madjarov

/Chairman Board of BMA/

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WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists