Dr. Brunzalov: Administration of dropping limits in hospitals, this is a way of control

Dr. Brunzalov: Administration of dropping limits in hospitals, this is a way of control

Health Minister Stoycho Katsarov insists that hospital limits are dropped. Support the decision by the Bulgarian Medical Association (BMA)?

"Conceptually, yes. This is the intention of reform that has begun years ago. The system will collapse, no, will not collapse. The limits were introduced in 2016. With the years he has accumulated this outstanding overpilimate activity, one part paid out for Some are acting cases, waiting still outstanding, this thing will be dropped. Control will be placed on another level. When there is no abuse, there will be money for good practices. We administer this way of control. " This was stated in the "Day On Air" Deputy Deputy Chairman of GLS Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov.

And added that when the three main institutions determine the work of hospitals and understand, politicians must agree.

"I do not think a reasonable politician will say no, Dr. Brunzalov said.

Deputy Chairman of the BLS also commented on the duty of doctors. According to him, it is high time to alter the terms and conditions for granting urgent medical care and to remove the requirement for the 24/7 basis of personal doctors.

You can see all the material here

Source: Bulgaria ON AIR Bulgaria ON AIR

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