Dr. Brunzalov: There are total outbursts of humiliation of the Bulgarian doctor by the cashier

Dr. Brunzalov: There are total outbursts of humiliation of the Bulgarian doctor by the cashier

"The vacuum in power and the deep crisis have led to such contradictions as there is between the BMA and the Health Fund, but this is about violations of the law, about violating the completely contractual process. Following the recent NHIF proposals, there are total outbursts of humiliation of the Bulgarian doctor. " This was stated by Bulgaria ON AIR TV, Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov, a general practitioner and deputy chairman of the BMA.

Entering the topic of increasing tension between the NHIF and the BMA, he recalled the original condition for the signing of the R&D.

"The law dictates that a contract may have after agreement and negotiations between the two parties. We held many bridges over time. It was not the time to put these misunderstandings on the table, but we decided that this moment had already come, because for us documents that concern the way of work of all Bulgarian doctors and healthcare professionals, we are already tossed for signature, "said Dr. Brunzalov.

He recalled that as of September 30, it was necessary to take stock of how the absorption of funds was going and eventually measures would be taken if they were exceeded.

"Naturally, prices will be reduced because it is a budget and we must enter it, but if we fail, we have to go to an option to understand. A distinction should be made between a real examination by the doctor with anamnesis and status and between the insertion of the data for examination into the system, "the doctor said.

He was adamant that patients suffered from the created tension, and there were no constructive dialogue and in practice submitted documents only for signature.

"We need to introduce the Bulgarian society that will suffer from these things, not because doctors do not want to help, but because they are stacked," explained Dr. Brunzalov, emphasizing the bankruptcy of the thesis for the 15-minute examination.

"All the district colleges of the BMA want the resignation of Prof. Salchev and Dr. Zlatanov, who is the head of the supervision of the health fund. We, as doctors, have gripped our teeth for a long time and understood the situation, "Dr. Brunzalov concluded.

You can see all the material here

Source: Bulgaria ON AIR Bulgaria ON AIR

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