Dr. Georgi Georgiev: One of 8 men develops prostate cancer for the rest of their lives
_D Georgi Georgiev is a urologist specialist in Hill Clinic. Specialized "Urology" in MMI - Pleven. It has extensive experience in the bloodless treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia - over 100 laser vaporizations of prostate gland, hundreds of enuclearations (advanced technique to remove the prostate) as well as a first self-exploitation with a green laser in Bulgaria.
\ - Dr. Georgiev, Month after Movember - the campaign dedicated to male health, what is the statistics associated with prostate cancer in our country?
\ - To Bulgaria, statistics should be similar to that of the US and Europe, the risk of developing prostate cancer is the same. The problem in our country is that there are no statistics over the past 5 years, so we use that of the US and Europe.
And the balance is very serious: one in 8 men for the rest of their life develops cancer of prostate gland. In terms of mortality: 1 in 41 men died from prostate cancer. Real prostate cancer ranks second in mortality in males after lung cancer.
[Whole interview.] (Https://blsbg.com/en/download/file/page-section/22085)
Source: Quo vadis
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