Dr. Madjarov: There is no logic to reduce the monthly budgets of the hospitals, and this happened

Dr. Madjarov: There is no logic to reduce the monthly budgets of the hospitals, and this happened

The decision of the NHIF Supervisory Board of 16 December, reducing the medical establishments once again led to anxiety and uncertainty in the hospital care system. It seems as if it became a regularity of the threshold of every new wave hospitals to face financial worries. This told Zdrave.net the President of BLS Dr. Ivan Madjarov on the occasion of the supervisor's decision to determine the estimated monthly values ​​of the medical establishments based on a real activity during the year.

We recall that hospital associations said that, with this decision, the budgets of the medical establishments were reduced for December 2021. with between 20 and 50%.

"From the GLS we have repeatedly said that in the case of sufficient funds in the NHIF budget and in the absence of objective reasons imposing restrictions, the decisions taken by the NHIF Supervisory Board should guarantee tranquility in the system. I recall that when we first encountered Covid -19 at the occurrence of the first wave was taken into account that hospitals would work hard in an epidemic therefore and their monthly values ​​were determined on the basis of their work in peaceful time and they received no - by 85% of these budgets. I believe that the NSF's decision of the NHIF should be urgently reviewed. It is necessary for hospitals to define budgets based on the average monthly values ​​they received in the past year and not based on the actual volumes and only if it is necessary to apply the methodology for a minimum of 85%, "said Dr. Madjarov.

"The explanation by the NHIF that all that is crafted will be paid, does not sound seriously. I recall that for September, October and November, hospitals have been taken to get 100% of your money if they have 10% usability of COVID-beds.

Excessive is the controversy exactly what methodology is applied in defining the budgets - the fact is that they are reduced, "said Dr. Madjarov.

He said the problem was identified by the BLS before Christmas and the medical union informed the Minister of Health Prof. Serbevo and the Finance Ministry. "The commitment that was poet is that immediately after New Year's holidays this decision will be corrected. It should not be in the conditions of Pandemic NHIF to behave as a side observer. I do not think the behavior of the cashier is adequate against the situation. Again, we are witnessing the same problems with which it is now forced to deal another minister of health. Dema Vue, nothing new, finished Dr. Madjarov.

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Source: Zdrave.net Zdrave.net

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