Dr. Nikolai Brunzalov: Patients will receive more directions
"For the first time in the signed new annex to R&D 2020-2022, three different prices of prophylactic examinations were introduced **. Upon coverage of up to 46 percent of the patients subject to such examination, the examinations will be paid to the GP by BGN 20 in the previous annex is paid at BGN 18. For more than 46 percent of the patients, the examination will be paid at 25 BGN, and with the realization of 60 percent of the patient leaves - the amount is increased to BGN 26.
But there is a lot of resistance to my colleagues about these changes because people do not come to prophylactic examinations. Let no one in the country rely solely for GPs alone to actively seek patients, all interested organizations should be included, "said Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov **.
** About BGN 90 million. Patients will receive much more studies.
From the conversation you will learn more:
✅ What will be more money in outpatient care after the agreed increases with the signed annex to the R&D
✅ Will patients have the opportunity to obtain more examination directions with specialists and for research
✅ In which direction is the preventive care for health insured - children and adults
✅ What is changed for dispensary patients
✅ For patients' electronic files from June 1
✅ I don't have to drop the form of general practitioners in Bulgaria
✅ Which good proposals from the medical communities did not receive approval after the negotiation process ✅ Why is there no interest in the specialty of GPs among future medics
You can see all the material here
Source: Българско национално радио
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