Delegates chose Chief Secretary and Deputy Chairpersons of the BLS Management Board

Delegates chose Chief Secretary and Deputy Chairpersons of the BLS Management Board

The Delegates of the 72-Russian BLS reported team chose Dr. Valentin Peev as Secretary General. For Deputy Chairs, Delegates chose Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov and Assoc. Prof. Hristo Shivachev.

The new BLS Management Board is composed: Dr. Vanya Dobreva, Dr. Nikolay Kolev, Dr. Gergana Nikolova, Dr. Valeri Veselinov, Dr. Rosen Aykov, Prof. Stoyan Sopotski, Dr. Yordan Gechev, , Dr. Ivo Parurov, Dr Jeanina Kalinekova, Prof. Milena Staneva and Prof. Ognian Hadjiyski.

There is a choice of chairmen and members of the control committee and the Commission on Professional Ethics.

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