European oncological congress "for equality in the fight against cancer"

European oncological congress "for equality in the fight against cancer"

The European Oncological Congress of Patients [ "For equality in the fight against cancer" ] ( will be held in Riga, Latvia, March 18 2022

The main objective of this Congress is to address the topic of this management of treatment and prevention of cancer and inequality in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe focusing on patient organizations, health professionals, politicians and Members of the European Parliament.

The main organizer of Congress is the Latvian Association of Oncological Patient Organizations oncoalliance with the special support of the Vice-President of the Special Cancer Committee of the European Parliament.

During Congress, Patient Organizations from Eastern and Central Europe will sign an open letter to the European Parliament, the European Commission and the national governments of the EU countries presented at Congress.

Online participation in Congress is free . Only registration is required as early as [ here ] ( .

This Congress is a huge challenge for all of us - organizers and participants, but we really believe that it is an exceptional opportunity to overcome unevenness in the fight against cancer and the opportunity to improve patients' lives across Europe.

Here you can get acquainted with [ program ] ( of the event.

You can see all the material here

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International partners

WMA- World Medical Association
FEMS European Federation of Salaried Doctors
CPME The Standing Committee of European Doctors
UEMS European Union of Medical Specialists