I came out of print. 5/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

I came out of print. 5/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

In the new issue of the national edition of the BMA, we continue the topic of staffing with doctors in Bulgaria. The focus is GP - what is the condition at the moment and what are the forecasts for the next 15 years. We talk to the Deputy Chairman of BLS Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov-on page 6-7.

In the "New Hippocrats" section we meet you with Dr. Ivan-Assen Shishmanov from UMBALSM "N. I. Pirogov ", who in 2019 received an award from Stroke Prevention in Arterial Fibrillaration, and recently defended his cardiac specialty.

"Achievements": Dr. Nora Velikova from UMBAL "Queen Joanna - ISUL" with an award from the competition "Young Scientist" of the Bulgarian Glaucoma Society; Revolutionary technology in personalized medicine entered the MMA's arsenal - on page 5.

Special guest of the issue is Prof. Dr. Emil Paskalev-Head of the Clinic of Nephrology, Transplantation and Dialysis Treatment at the Alexandrovska University Hospital and Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Nephrology.

We have celebrated 175 years since the birth of one of the most prominent representatives of Bulgarian healthcare from the end of the 19th century and a medical revivalist Dr. Jordan Bedel-in the section "History"-on page 11.

To seal stories for a second of a second-we present you Prof. Dr. Rosen Kolarov, CEO of IAMN and his hobby-photography-p. 12.

The Quo Vadis newspaper is the heir to the Chronicles, which has over 100 years of history. The newspaper treats the current problems of the medical profession, reflects events related to hospital and outpatient care, includes analyzes and interviews. He publishes unique materials on the history of medicine and medical profession.

The newspaper can be found at the headquarters of the BMA, the offices of the regional colleges and the print distribution companies. The edition is available freely online without registration.

The print edition will be delayed due to the collapse in the Bulgarian Post system, for which we ask for an apology.

[To the electronic edition.] (Https://blsbg.com/bg/download/file/page-section/22605)

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