Out of printing pcs. 9/2021 of the "QUO VADIS"

Out of printing pcs. 9/2021 of the "QUO VADIS"

"FOCUS" is the 72nd reporting election of the BMA - interviews with the Chairman of the Professional Organization Dr. Ivan Madjarov, Deputy Chairpersons Dr. Nikolay Brunzalov and Assoc. Prof. Hristo Shivachev and Secretary-General Dr. Valentin Peev.

On the "New Hippocrats" page, read the interview with Dr. Elena Vatsova, a general practitioner in 6 Veliko Tarnovo villages.

Dr. Yordan Spirdonov with innovation in the image diagnostics - in our "achievements" rubric.

Restoration of GLS - First-person narrative - Interview with Dr. Ilko Semerdjiev - on page 11.

"Quo Vadis" is the heir of the Chronicles, which has a 100-year history. The newspaper treats the current problems of the medical profession, reflects events related to hospital and outpatient care include analyzes and interviews. He publishes unique materials for the history of medicine and medical profession.

The newspaper can be found at the GLS headquarters, the offices of regional colleges and the provenation companies. The publication is available free online without registration.

[ To the electronic edition. ] (https://blsbg.com/en/download/file/page-section/21977)

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