Came out of print from pc. 04/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

Came out of print from pc. 04/2022 at Quo Vadis newspaper

The focus in the number is the staff deficit in healthcare - a momentary state and perspectives. We look at the problem not through the usual number of doctors per capita, but on the basis of the age cut in the profession as of February 2022. We comment with the chairman of the BMA Dr. Ivan Madjarov.

Dr. Yulia Stupina is visiting us in the New Hippocrats section and tells what it is like to demire two homes-Ukraine and Bulgaria.

Covid-19 continues to accompany our lives-an interview with Dr. Miroslav Georgiev from the Mother's Home for the psychological aspects of the Covid post, the influence of the virus in mother and child health.

The ZTE Zurich molecular doctor Bozhidar-Adrian Stefanov tells of a new, revolutionary technology for subcutaneous cell implant developed to treat metabolic diseases with prospects for wider use.

The Quo Vadis newspaper is the successor to the publication of the BLS Chronicles, which has a 100-year history. The monthly treats the current problems of the medical profession, reflects events related to hospital and outpatient care, includes analyzes and interviews. He publishes unique materials on the history of medicine and medical profession.

The newspaper can be found at the Board of Directors of the BMA, the offices of the regional colleges and the print distribution companies. The edition is available freely online without registration.

n.b. The print edition will be delayed due to the problem of Bulgarian mail.

[ Electronic issue 04/2022 ] (

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